I've posted some new looks on Lookbook, (I've kind of become addicted to that site, it's a joke) and it's really nice being able to be internet connected while on holidays. It's been very hot out there, and it feels great to lay on the grass all day long, reading a bit and talking with my family. We've been walking a lot already and I hope I won't be too much tired at the end of the two weeks . I saw the BAG OF MY LIFE in the smalest town in the world but it cost 100 euros so I had to resign myself... It was soooo beautiful, leather hand-made with some leopard print, very classy .
I also bought the magazine my boyfriend is writing for, and I'm so proud of him reading his articles and watching all his graphic/design job. The magazine is called Voxpop and I really encourage you to read it if you're interested in music in general terms, it's really a good one, and the design is fabulous (thanks to my lovely boyfriend ah ah ).
These are a few pics of my starting holidays, not big quality but still you can get an idea of where I am at the moment.
My cousin :)
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